Crassulaceae - Genus Monanthes - Monanthes pallens

Monanthes pallens - (Webb) Christ

Belongs to the famous genus with those small rosettes nearly impossible to spot them in dry period.

On our Island of Tenerife we can find about 14 species with their several var. or formas.

For the amateur with lack of space in his greenhouse it are the ideal species to collect.

Let us start with one of the most representative of this genus the Monanthes pallens who is an unbranched rosette plant . Roots fibrous, stem simple, erect and fleshy, very short, in older plants cylindrical, bare, bearing at its apex a dense leaf rosette which is convex or flat and in cultivations and in shade sometimes slightly concave 1/5.5cm diam. Leaves rhomboidal-spathulate and thick above, very attenuate below. Flowering shoots lateral, from the axils of outer older leaves, about 3/5cm long, simple and usually leafy in lower part, much branched above, with few small bracts. Buds globular. Flowers 6/7 parted, petals linear-oblanceolate yellowish, 3/4mm diam, slightly bad smell .

Flowering from end of March until end of June.

His habitat arid barranco's in rock crevices mostly in vertical position between 150 and 900m , forming dense groups of individual plants. Endemic to the Islands of Tenerife (Masca and the Teno mountains, Santiago del Teide, Tamaimo etc..) and La Gomera (Vallehermoso) , Bramwell pretends it should grow also on the island of El Hierro.  

look in the left upper corner a lizard : Galotia galotii (fem.)
with a Greenovia dodrentalis

Monanthes pallens var. silensis  - (Praeger) Svent

As the Monanthes pallens is very variable long time this species was not recognised, not as species not as fa or variety.

Some books consider this plant as a real species other (as I do) keep it as a variety. It is a fact that the var. silensis, in some cases, can really be very close  to the species M. pallens. The last has a fusiform root system  the var. silensis ( or should I really say the species) is tap rooted.

The two can be found in the same region, Teno and Roque del Conde in the South.

The rosettes are much smaller the by M. pallens, glaucous and convex, resembling those of the M. polyphylla. Leaves densely imbricated.

Inflorescence usually leafy on the base. When a number of this variety grow close together the resemblance to M polyphylla is disconcerting, but on close examination we can find that they are all growing on own roots and are completely separated the one from the other.

Monanthes pallens var silensis & Aeonium canariense

Monanthes pallens var silensis

Monanthes pallens var silensis

Monanthes pallens var silensis fa cristata

Monanthes pallens var silensis

Monanthes pallens var silensis

Monanthes pallens var silensis

Monanthes polyphylla

Monanthes pallens var. silensis fa ramosa -  Praeger
Rosette bearing, in addition to the axillary flowering shoots, multiple axillary branches terminating in perennial leaf rosettes. These secondary leaf rosettes bear normal axillary flowering shoots.
Habitat : Tenerife, Barranco Juan Lopez and Roque del Conde