Crassulaceae - Genus Aeonium - Aeonium spathulatum

Aeonium spathulatum (Hornem.) Praeger

Very well distinguished by its bushy growth( 40/60cm high) of rather slender tortuous woody, glossy brown branches, small (1 - 5cm long)obovate-spathulated slightly sticky leaves with longitudinal glands on the back  and translucent swollen bead-like cilia on the edges, and flattish inflorescences of golden flowers on erect often tall leafy stems. The brownish gland-streaked  green leaves it shares only with A. caespitosum and A. smithii.

Young leaves forming a tight, globose bud during the dry season. Flowers 8 to 10 parted.

Plant is endemic from Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, LaPalma and El Hierro.

Habitat : grows on cliffs in forest regions and subalpine rocks between 200 and 2250meter high. Locally very common (Santiago del Teide) , Arguayo, Guimar, Las Canadas, La Orotava, etc..           Flowers beginning March until end June.

I often have seen this plant in the Canadas (above 2200meter) into the snow !!! so this plant withstands temps below 0°C ( I could measure -7°C)

View the variability of this species I think we have to consider the var. cruentum as a synonym of the Aeonium spathulatum .

Aeonium spathulatum - Santiago del Teide

Aeonium spathulatum - Santiago del Teide
Aeonium spathulatum - road 821 - 2100meter
Aeonium spathulatum - rosa de piedra - 1900meter
Aeonium spathulatum - Santiago del Teide
Aeonium spathulatum - Santiago del Teide
Aeonium spathulatum - road 821- vertical wall
Aeonium spathulatum - road 821
Aeonium spathulatum - near Guimar
Aeonium spathulatum - near Guimar
Aeonium spathulatum - near Guimar
Aeonium spathulatum - near Guimar
Aeonium spathulatum - Santiago del Teide
dry season
Aeonium spathulathum - Santiago del Teide
Dry season
Aeonium spathulatum - Santiago del Teide
Dry season
Aeonium spathulatum - road 821 - 2200m snow - minus 7°C

Aeonium spathulatum - road 821 - 2200m snow - minus 7°C
Aeonium spathulatum - road 821 - 2200m snow - minus 7°C