Crassulaceae - Genus Monanthes - Monanthes icterica

Monanthes  icterica  (Webb & Berth.) Christ.

Endemic to the two islands of Tenerife and La Gomera, and quit difficult to find.

I was looking since more than 5 years after tinny plant until I found this jewel on the Roque del Conde in the South of Tenerife. Once you know the habitat it prefers (100/1850meter) you can find this little plant nearly all over the island of Tenerife. As this dwarf therophyte succulent flowers in March/May it is just in that period I'm always on Tenerife (April/May and 1/2 Sept./October). You see as it is an annual plant, and quit often growing hidden between larger vegetation, in the beginning growing period it is very difficult to discover only his flowers betrays his presence.

Synonym to this plant are Petrophyes icterica and Aichrison mollii

Interesting as the only Monanthes which is not perennial. This minute annual appears in autumn, flowers in early spring, and has shed his seeds by end of the month of May.
In exposure the leaves are wholly black-purple on back.

Inflorescences 4-flowered with minute bracts; Flowers 6 parted. Scales reddish.

Monanthes icterica  Barranco de Tejina

Monanthes icterica  Barranco de Tejina
Monanthes icterica  Ifonche
Monanthes icterica  Ifonche
Monanthes icterica Roque del Conde
Monanthes icterica Roque del Conde  
Monanthes icterica Roque del Conde  
Monanthes icterica Roque del Conde  
Monanthes icterica Roque del Conde

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